Crossed the
Oakland Bay Bridge on the way out of town and made it to Oakdale before we stopped for lunch.
As we were eating a very tasty Tri Tip sandwich I noticed that my tire had worn out.
So, I sent Tom along and went to find a tire as we had a long trip planned and I would be ok to catch up to Tom and John at South Lake Tahoe.
Got back on the road 3 hours later after finding the only bike mechanic working on Mondays in
One the way to Yosemite National Park ($10 for bikes) I came across an awesome road. C=8,R=7,T=3,V=8. Also the road through the park was excellent too; C=7,R=7,T=3,V=8 as per the photos.
Long day ended in on a dark, deserted highway with curves. A bit stressful and would have been amazing in the day (HWY 89 to Tahoe off of HWY395). A couple shots here as well.
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